Pavel Lishown Liška


Kinetic Cut Out Sculptures by Pavel Lishown Liška

Pavel Lishown Liška is an immersive multidisciplinary artist from Pilsen, the Czech Republic, known for combining live video performance, light design, scenography, illustration, kinetic objects, and interactivity in his work. Among his projects, you can find interactive and educational exhibitions for children, escape games, stage designs, pop-up books, illustrations, light objects for European festival of lights, and murals. Currently, he is focusing on creating kinetic sculptures and paintings during his residency at Gray Nivas in Accord, NY. 

Snowball - plywood, carboard, wire, motor, 2023
The installation plays with contrasts of speed and impact, depicting a snowball that transforms into multiple snowflakes. A fast snowball hits a window glass and suddenly it is captured motionless. At the same time it falls apart into small snowflakes that are zoomed in into bigger scale.

Reliquary - plywood, spray paint, wire, motors, 2023
What is the most precious gem that sparkles, shimmers and has the power to change the world?  It is a snowflake. The rotating shapes of this kinetic window display are based on the gothic style of stained glass windows at Sainte-Chapelle in Paris, and the outer form relates to a feretory or a container of relics.

Front Room Gallery
205 Warren Street
Hudson, NY 12534

Reception, Saturday, December 2nd, 5-8PM
celebrating Hudson Winter Walk